Other Libraries & Museums
- Belgrade Public Library
- Montana State University Library
- The Museum of the Rockies
- The Gallatin History Museum
- The Smithsonian
- The Library of Congress
- National American Indian Museum
General Reference Resources:
- Encyclopedia Britannia Online
- Infoplease.com (Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Maps, Statistics, Trivia, and more)
- Webster.com
- Lexico: An Online Dictionary by Oxford (includes a Spanish dictionary)
Atlases & Maps:
- Google Earth (virtual atlas/globe)
- Google Maps
- Brilliant Maps: Infographic Maps
Writing & Grammar Help:
- Purdue Online Writing Lab
- Grammar Girl
- No Red Ink
- The BHS Writing Center (for face-to-face help)
Science & Health:
- National Geographic
- National Science Digital Library
- Society for Science
- Our World in Data
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- The Mayo Clinic
- CDC (Center for Disease Control)
- The World Health Organization
- Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services (DPHHS)
- Healthy Gallatin (Gallatin County Health Department Website)
- Math: Khan Academy
- CK-12 Flexbook 2.0 (digital tutor)
- PhET: Math from the University of Colorado, Boulder (simulations and resources)
- Virtual Nerd: Real Math Help (video lessons)
Social Studies & The Humanities:
- Indian Country Today (Digital Indigenous News)
- Black Past (African-American History)
- The History Channel
- Biography.com
- World Fact Book (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
- Our World in Data
- The Extreme History Project
- The History Learning Site
- The Montana Memory Project
- The Ancient History Encyclopedia
Digital Archives of Interest
- Montana Tribes Digital Archives
- Montana State University Digital Archives
- The Acoustic Atlas
- The Museum of the Rockies Photo Archive
- Indigenous Peoples of the Northern Great Planes Digital Collection
- National Park Service Webcam Database
- The Ivan Doig Archive
Please contact the administrative office if you have additional questions regarding the information on this page, or If you are experiencing difficulty accessing the information on this page. Please call 406-924-2492.